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March 5, 2025 Biking News

San Carlos Bikes Newsletter

SUBJECT LINE: San Carlos Area Bike News - Crestview Park, memorial rides, and a trail run

~ March 5, 2024 ~

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Hi bikers! It's been a rainy couple of months, but before you know it, we'll be back to sunnier riding. Check out the upcoming events. Hope to see you out there.

Let’s pump for the pump track!

Do you want a paved pump track where bikes, scooters, and skates are all welcome? What’s a pump track, you ask? It’s a winding loop with banked turns and smooth rises and dips where all types of riders and rollers can have fun. Come to Wednesday’s (3/13) Community Workshop to discuss how North Crestview Park will be built (across the street from Vista Park at 401 Crestview Drive). The City wants your comments and ideas as they plan the build-out of the park.

  • When: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.

  • Where: San Carlos Library, 2nd Floor Community Room, 610 Elm Street

Memorial Rides for Maria and Sarah

The peninsula cycling community tragically lost two riders in separate accidents in Palo Alto recently. Join us for memorial rides for Maria Jabon and Sarah Muller-Moaty, planned for 3/17 and 3/24. The pace will be slow, and we’ll stop for a moment of silence:

No Foolin' Foot Race on Saturday April 6

The San Carlos Parks & Rec Foundation helps fund our SC Bikes events, and now there’s a chance for us to help them raise money. Join us for the No Foolin' Foot Race on Saturday April 6 at 9:00 AM. This event is “feet only” -- no bikes -- but the proceeds help all types of activities in the San Carlos parks. More details:

Explore San Carlos’ outstanding trail system as a runner in the second annual No Foolin’ Foot Race -- just one month away!

Big Canyon and Eaton Parks are running beautifully! The magic of well designed and maintained trails is that they handle storm cycles like last weekend’s remarkably well. San Carlos has big plans to build even more trails in the next few years, but we need to raise money -- and stoke! -- to make those dreams a reality!

So, sign up for the second annual No Foolin’ Foot Race on April 6 – the primary fundraiser for local trail work! 

The event offers a challenging 5k (~530ft of climbing) and 10k (~1,500ft of climbing) course through Big Canyon and Eaton Parks. This year, we’re excited to include a <1 mile (~350ft of climbing) course for children ages 6-12!

Professional timing; Tech-Ts and runner photos for all participants; Awards in multiple categories.

All proceeds benefit maintenance and improvement of San Carlos Trails. 

Brought to you by the Parks and Recreation Foundation of San Carlos and the City of San Carlos with special thanks to our founding sponsors Recology, Kubecost and our exclusive running store partner, A Runner's Mind.

Can't run? Please volunteer or donate! All proceeds benefit maintenance and improvement of San Carlos Trails.

Fix that old bike -- at the RWC Main Library (3/27)

The next Redwood City Main Library Fixit Clinic event is on Wednesday, March 27, at 6:30pm at 1044 Middlefield. Special guest Manzanita Works will share information about the new county-wide tool lending program. On the day of the event, bring in your broken, non-functioning item--bikes, electronic gadgets, appliances, computers, toys, sewing machines, fabric items. Please bring the necessary parts; the clinic does not provide parts!

Fix that old bike -- at Burton Park (4/21)

As part of the San Carlos Earth Day celebration, we’ll run a repair clinic at Burton Park on Saturday, April 21, 2024, from 9:00-noon. Bring in your bike for minor repairs, or, if you can help repair bikes, please get in touch. We’d love to have more volunteer mechanics. Contact to learn more.

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Thanks for reading. Donations to Silicon Valley Bike Coalition (SVBC) are always welcome. Besides making the Peninsula and the South Bay safer for bikers, they help us with every event we organize in San Carlos & Belmont!

  -- Sonia, Andrew, and Arley


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